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What is Hyper automation?

What is Hyper automation?

The world is rapidly evolving! The advent of advanced technologies is transforming industries, shaping new landscapes of opportunities and streamlining business operations. One such innovation is 'hyperautomation', referring to the application of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to automate processes to a degree that was previously unthinkable. This phenomenon is not just an emerging trend; it's a game-changer, particularly for sectors like construction, facilities maintenance, technical services and public services.

Why is Hyperautomation Important?

Hyperautomation goes beyond traditional automation by not only automating tasks but also learning and adapting to improve them. It involves the synergy of multiple tech tools and advanced algorithms to augment human capabilities, thereby increasing efficiency, reducing costs and improving the accuracy of tasks.

For sectors like construction, facilities maintenance, technical services, and public services, which often involve complex, time-consuming tasks and a high level of manual labour, hyperautomation brings a plethora of benefits.

  1. Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Hyperautomation can expedite processes by reducing the time taken to perform tasks. For example, in construction, AI can be used to plan efficient routes for materials delivery, or robots can be employed for bricklaying, painting or even complex tasks like electrical installations.

  2. Cost Reduction: By automating routine, mundane tasks, organizations can redirect their human resources towards more strategic, value-adding tasks. This not only results in significant cost savings but also allows for better allocation and utilization of resources.

  3. Enhanced Accuracy and Safety: Human error and workplace accidents are major concerns in these sectors. Hyperautomation reduces these risks by taking over dangerous tasks and minimizing the scope for human error, thereby enhancing safety.

  4. Improved Decision-Making: Hyperautomation allows for real-time data collection and processing, facilitating informed decision-making. In facilities maintenance, for instance, IoT devices can monitor equipment status, predict failures, and schedule preventive maintenance thereby reducing downtime and extending the lifespan of the equipment.

Hyperautomation in Practice

Let's delve deeper into how hyperautomation is revolutionizing these sectors:

Construction: AI-powered software can predict possible delays or cost overruns, helping project managers make informed decisions. Drones can survey construction sites, providing real-time data to track progress and detect issues early.

Facilities Maintenance: IoT sensors can monitor various parameters like temperature, pressure and humidity, triggering alerts for any deviations, enabling quick corrective action. Predictive maintenance algorithms can analyze this data to predict equipment failures, thus reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

Technical Services: Hyperautomation can enhance service delivery through AI-based customer service bots, intelligent scheduling of service visits and predictive analysis of technical issues.

Public Services: Hyperautomation can streamline public services by automating administrative tasks, improving service delivery, and enabling data-driven policy making. For example, AI can help analyze patterns in public service requests, identifying areas for improvement or predictive modeling for future demand.


As hyperautomation continues to evolve, it is set to become the cornerstone of the next industrial revolution. By embracing hyperautomation, the construction, facilities maintenance, technical services and public services sectors can not only increase their productivity and efficiency but also enhance their ability to adapt to an ever-evolving business landscape. The future is hyperautomated, and it's time for industries to adapt and thrive.

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